Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Help me walk on the moon

Help me reach my goal for the San Francisco Bay Area Breast Cancer 3-Day!

I need your help! I can't believe I am attempting doing this.

13 years ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I remember being told and making a little pact with myself that I would make a difference, if not for me, for my daughters. I imagined myself being a champion for the cause, spearheading the fight for a cure.

You have seen, I am sure, the ads for this wonderful day. 3 days - 60 miles. The funds raised going to the Susan G Komen search for a cure. The idea of that kind of a walk, was as foreign to me as walking on the moon. But you know... I am lucky, I have survived and others have not. I want to give this a shot.

HELP me make a difference while you make a difference to. GIVE as much as you can and know... it matters. And I...I would appreciate it.