Thursday, December 18, 2008

If you like homey houses, houses that feel like comfort food... take a peak at my friend and client's house featured in the Wall Street Journal. Also featured in Pottery Barn and soon in the SF Chronicle!
If you would like to make this dream come true for you, let me know. I can hook you up with all the resources to make this possible!
Monday, December 15, 2008
It's rough out there... show your spirit

The Marin Food Bank has told us that they have an increase in demand of 1/3. Partially due to tough economic times, their donations have been down. Our office at Pacific Union Central Marin has lead a drive for P&J. Several of our agents have let their clients know that the need is great to amazing results! One agent had a client donate $5000 when he heard about the need. Others have had people give whatever they could.
By everyone doing what they can about some of the pressing needs in our community we can make a difference. Please, donate this season to someone in need. There are many organizations who would be so grateful for your help. From the arts, to basic needs donations are down throughout the country. Do what you can.
If you would like to contribute to the Marin Food Bank, send a check to
Marin Community Food Bank75 Digital DriveNovato, CA 94949
or make an online donation...https://payments.auctionpay.com/ver3/?id=w018053
Friday, October 31, 2008
Be proud.
It's almost time to vote...Take a look at this Robin William's classic and remember to be proud of who we are....
Monday, August 11, 2008
Coming from behind......

Real Estate...Olympics...what do they have in common.
I guess there are those people who decide to be a Realtor, and decide that all they need to do is show up. They do their job and turn in their time go home and hope it will pay off. They figure they are at the mercy of the times, they have no impact on the times. They put a sign in the yard and read the papers. When the news is bad, they believe what they read. They resign themselves to their circumstances.
There are Realtors who boast. They brag about their accomplishments. They antagonize their rivals. They stretch the truth of their ability to their clients. When the news is bad they tell their clients the news is wrong.
I guess there are those people who decide to be a Realtor, and decide that all they need to do is show up. They do their job and turn in their time go home and hope it will pay off. They figure they are at the mercy of the times, they have no impact on the times. They put a sign in the yard and read the papers. When the news is bad, they believe what they read. They resign themselves to their circumstances.
There are Realtors who boast. They brag about their accomplishments. They antagonize their rivals. They stretch the truth of their ability to their clients. When the news is bad they tell their clients the news is wrong.
They show up and honor the listing in doing so.
They want the client to feel lucky to have been chosen.
There are Realtors who don't believe in giving up. They don't need to brag because it wastes time and takes the emphasis off the important thing, which is the house. They put in 200% of their effort and use creativity to promote the listing, not their own image. The news is bad, they acknowledge the news and determine to be more creative, and more tenacious. They are honored when someone selects them to market their home. They take this honor seriously.
There are Realtors who don't believe in giving up. They don't need to brag because it wastes time and takes the emphasis off the important thing, which is the house. They put in 200% of their effort and use creativity to promote the listing, not their own image. The news is bad, they acknowledge the news and determine to be more creative, and more tenacious. They are honored when someone selects them to market their home. They take this honor seriously.
They never give up. Never stop believing...
I was struck by yesterdays Men's 400 meter freestyle relay. I understand what its like to hear the self serving boasts of competitors. I also understand now easy it would be to slip into a fatalistic view of our business. But above all, I understand that intangible drive that comes from deep down inside that lifts you to the next level of effort, especially when other people are counting
I was struck by yesterdays Men's 400 meter freestyle relay. I understand what its like to hear the self serving boasts of competitors. I also understand now easy it would be to slip into a fatalistic view of our business. But above all, I understand that intangible drive that comes from deep down inside that lifts you to the next level of effort, especially when other people are counting
on your performance for their success.
Thanks men's team for reminding me again... never give up.
Lift up! Strive up! Reach the goal! Bravo!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
You Tube
I am hoping there are people out there that have an opinion about this.
"You Tube" is a tool that I have considered using for my listings, in addition to the webpages, slide shows and everything else...( a long list) I use to market my properties.
My husband bought me a very cool, easy to use, point and shoot, plug in pocket video recorder. The problem is I think the photos are not up to par. I could try and be super creative.. and campy... I could try another technique... I could buy another camera with better quality or.... I could forget the whole thing. Do you have an opinion?
This keeping up with the latest is making me... DIZZY!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
But that's not fair!

Buyers and sellers see this process of home negotiations in different ways. There is a lot of different approaches and I can't speak to what I believe is best for everyone. For example I have heard in the east coast it is standard for a seller to price 15% over asking and the expect to negotiate down. I know I have had clients who have bought homes in a sellers market and remember they needed to pay well over asking in order to even be in the game. All of these situations exists still and will in the days ahead. Even in the midst of the "boom" I know what felt right to me and what didn't. I'll tell you what I do not believe. I do not believe, in offering a price for a house that is high enough to be accepted, with the intent on paying 10% less in the end.I believe that Real Estate should not be treated like a game. Games shouldn't be personal and Real Estate is almost always personal. I do not believe in offering a house for less than it is worth and only be willing to accept 10% over the asking price as an offer. If you believe that the above scenarios are just fine you are not alone. But somehow, I prefer the good old honest... This is what I will take for my house..... this is what I'll pay for your house.... way of doing Real Estate. Now if we could just be sure everyone would play by our rules this all would be less stressful...but, you know how it goes, you need to be prepared for everything and everyone.
Friday, March 28, 2008
FEB 2007 VS. FEB 2008
I just looked at some every interesting statistics comparing sale bewteen February 2007 and February 2008. The upshot is homes are staying on the market longer but are still holding their prices fairly well. Take a look for yourself:
AVERAGE: List Price: $1,154,785 SalesPrice: $1,119,652 Days on Market: 84
MEDIAN: List Price: $ 869,000 Sales Price: $ 850,000 Days on Market: 57
HIGH: List Price: $9,980,000 Sales Price: $9,000,000 Days on Market: 471
LOW: List Price: $ 200,000 Sales Price: $ 180,000 Days on Market: 0
ADJ. AVG: List Price: $1,111,777 Sales Price: $1,081,725 Days on Market: 102
Total properties sold: 121
AVERAGE: List Price: $1,231,724 Sales Price: $1,169,327 Days on Market: 100
MEDIAN: List Price: $ 810,000 Sales Price: $ 824,000 Days on Market: 91
HIGH: List Price: $10,000,000 Sales Price: $8,500,000 Days on Market: 401
LOW: List Price: $ 175,000 Sales Price: $ 138,000 Days on Market: 0
ADJ. AVG: List Price: $1,166,921 Sales Price: $1,116,391 Days on Market: 102
Monday, March 24, 2008
Off topic...but on point

Today I went to the memorial service of a truly great lady. I say lady and she was, even though that title is usually reserved for much older people, which she wasn't. She was far too young to have left us. Susan was a client, but she was also someone I considered more than that. I came to love her and her family and I am deeply saddened.
Real Estate is ultimately about people's lives and the communities in which they live. Susan enriched her community, and was starting a career that surely would have enriched us all. She was on track at UCSF to become a nurse. In her name there has been a fund established to provide scholarship money to a deserving nursing student at UCSF. It is a highly worthwhile cause, in the name of someone who touched many lives. If you can send a donation to;
Real Estate is ultimately about people's lives and the communities in which they live. Susan enriched her community, and was starting a career that surely would have enriched us all. She was on track at UCSF to become a nurse. In her name there has been a fund established to provide scholarship money to a deserving nursing student at UCSF. It is a highly worthwhile cause, in the name of someone who touched many lives. If you can send a donation to;
The Susan L. Shulman Foundation
c/o The Horton Family
14 Lower Drive
Mill Valley, CA 94941
14 Lower Drive
Mill Valley, CA 94941
I wrote something because I kept seeing this vision of Susan, after I heard about her passing. Some people are so vibrant that when they leave they leave traces of color and light in your mind you can't stop seeing. Anyway...
Today I pictured Susan, standing in a field of shimmering sunflowers. The sky was as blue as her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed from having finished a long run. There was a twinkle in her eye and a smile that floated across her face. She spoke softly in a whisper and said not to cry. "The day is long, the sun is warm and there are adventures to be had."
I watched as she twirled in a circle and threw back her head to laugh. She strode away with a flower in her hand, and seemed to disappear in a swirl of blue and gold.
Friday, February 15, 2008
What happens in Vegas, gets talked about!
She's back!
As some of you know I just got back from a convention in Vegas. The GMAC company (Pacific Union's parent company) put on this annual event entitled "Experience 2008". Well, since I hadn't been in Vegas since 1977, the trip definately was an experience. Back then I gambled all night on $25 (now the cost of a margarita!) Back then the show I went to see was Steve and Eydie, This time it was "Le Reve " Quite a difference!

But enough about the distractions, let me tell you about what I learned. I learned that Pacific Union is the horse, and the rest of the country is the cart. Alot of the technology that was discussed is OLD technology to us, but to the rest of the country it is emerging. I learned that some of the OLD ideas are very important to remember. I listened to two truly wonderful speakers. One emphasized relationships with your clients (I believe in that). The other reminded me that we choose our limitations. We choose to be victims or victors.

Charlie Plumb, was a fighter pilot in Vietnam. He was shot down over North Vietnam 5 days before his tour of duty was complete. He spent the next 6 years in a cell - the cell was 8x5. Charlie reminded us that we can create our own limitations (limitations of the mind). How do you react to your circumstances, are you the victim or the victor? Read more about Charlie at http://www.charlieplumb.com/

Jeffrey Gitomer wrote the best selling book, "The Little Red Book of Selling" His presentation spoke of relations that you build and the importance, especially now to build that on common ground. Humor is not to be discounted as a tool for life. And as I was so happy to hear reinterated, "Everything being equal, people want to do business with their friends. Everything being unequal, people still want to do business with their friends." And... the goal should be not statisfied customers, but loyal ones. Satisfaction can lead to loyalty, but for this business, its loyaty you are aiming for. (Here he made reference to a statisfied or loyal spouse, and which you would prefer to have.)
Our office took home the prize as the #4 office in Gross Commission revenue in the GMAC network. I as an individual was 62th on the list. I am proud to be part of such a successful team!
Now it's back to work. Our CEO John Bearden reminded us this is a year of challenges, but it is also a year of opportunity. I wholeheartedly agree. I believe for home buyers this is an EXCELLENT time to buy. I also believe there is no where better to buy than the Bay Area and in particular Marin. For sellers, realistic expectations will lead to unqualified success. Here's to a great year ahead. I am energized and ready for the future. (okay I did lose a little $ in the casinos, so a sold house or two would be very much appreciated!)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Gifts, given and received
I am in a helping profession. Maybe some people think Real Estate agents' goals are to protect their own interests, but I disagree. The vast majority of people who came to this business joined it because they wanted to help other people reach their goals. There are a lot of pleasers (read: incredibly giving people) in Real Estate. Honestly, all you have to do is look at how these people respond when they see a true need. There have been many times when I have seen the community step up to the plate to help a colleague in need. If you did a survey of Realtors to see how many support very vital causes, both financially and personally, I am certain most people would be amazed. This is truly one under-rated profession.
This profession saw a boom in the numbers of new agents in the past 7 years. It seems everyone wanted to be a Realtor. Many people who joined in search of quick cash will find out soon, this business is misunderstood. In my opinion we will begin to see the number of Realtor dwindle as reality sets in. A true professional puts their clients interests above their own, and as the market tightens that will be difficult for some people to do. Those who hang in there will seek solutions to the problems the market presents, they will assist any way they can. And as they do this, they can overcome obstacles for their client, they can help them achieve their Real Estate goals. It is through this truly special kind of relationship that I have come to love this job. It is because of these relationships that I have found some lasting friendships.
Often we over look the help that is right in front of us. I certainly could name one or two people in my personal life who find it hard to accept help. But what we discover is when we do accept the help thats offered, you are in fact giving the other person your own gift. When a gift is accepted and appreciated, fulfillment follows.
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