She's back!
As some of you know I just got back from a convention in Vegas. The GMAC company (Pacific Union's parent company) put on this annual event entitled "Experience 2008". Well, since I hadn't been in Vegas since 1977, the trip definately was an experience. Back then I gambled all night on $25 (now the cost of a margarita!) Back then the show I went to see was Steve and Eydie, This time it was "Le Reve " Quite a difference!

But enough about the distractions, let me tell you about what I learned. I learned that Pacific Union is the horse, and the rest of the country is the cart. Alot of the technology that was discussed is OLD technology to us, but to the rest of the country it is emerging. I learned that some of the OLD ideas are very important to remember. I listened to two truly wonderful speakers. One emphasized relationships with your clients (I believe in that). The other reminded me that we choose our limitations. We choose to be victims or victors.

Charlie Plumb, was a fighter pilot in Vietnam. He was shot down over North Vietnam 5 days before his tour of duty was complete. He spent the next 6 years in a cell - the cell was 8x5. Charlie reminded us that we can create our own limitations (limitations of the mind). How do you react to your circumstances, are you the victim or the victor? Read more about Charlie at

Jeffrey Gitomer wrote the best selling book, "The Little Red Book of Selling" His presentation spoke of relations that you build and the importance, especially now to build that on common ground. Humor is not to be discounted as a tool for life. And as I was so happy to hear reinterated, "Everything being equal, people want to do business with their friends. Everything being unequal, people still want to do business with their friends." And... the goal should be not statisfied customers, but loyal ones. Satisfaction can lead to loyalty, but for this business, its loyaty you are aiming for. (Here he made reference to a statisfied or loyal spouse, and which you would prefer to have.)
Our office took home the prize as the #4 office in Gross Commission revenue in the GMAC network. I as an individual was 62th on the list. I am proud to be part of such a successful team!
Now it's back to work. Our CEO John Bearden reminded us this is a year of challenges, but it is also a year of opportunity. I wholeheartedly agree. I believe for home buyers this is an EXCELLENT time to buy. I also believe there is no where better to buy than the Bay Area and in particular Marin. For sellers, realistic expectations will lead to unqualified success. Here's to a great year ahead. I am energized and ready for the future. (okay I did lose a little $ in the casinos, so a sold house or two would be very much appreciated!)
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