Monday, January 5, 2009

Friends, Family, Health and Home

Here it is... 2009!
This year more than any other I think it important to keep our focus on what is truly important. I have been a news "junkie" for many years and increasingly the news seems strained and anguished. Wars, a shaky economy, the seedier side of life displayed in living color. This could get you down... no doubt about it.

I met a colleague in the hall just now and she commented on a challenging year ahead. My response is we are some very lucky people and each day should begin with that affirmation.

My reflections for January.

Friends. I have an incredible collection of friends and associates. They are warm and generous and funny and smart. Having them in my life encourages me to be all those things in return. I am very very lucky.

Family. My family is my foundation. From my sisters and brother, father and in-laws, to my most incredible husband I am surrounded with love. We move through the phases of our lives accepting the awkwardness of transitions, revelling in the welcome of new little ones, mourning together our mutual loss when one passes from us. Like all families we have our disagreements, but we are strengthened by the knowledge that family lasts. It is the constant. It forms us as we help form it. I am blessed with everyone one of them.

Health. This is a precious gift. The New Year is a time that people focus on how they can keep that gift. Gyms, diet, stress relief and the other multiple resolutions made on December 31 are as habitual as breaking those resolutions. When you have a life threatening illness, it give us pause to think what we could have done to avoid the situation. Sometimes, these instances are simply life's reminders that our time here is limited and should not be taken for granted. Each day is a day to celebrate and cherish.

Home. Whether home is an apartment, a mansion or a cottage in the woods, it is all just living arrangements unless you fill it with love. Home is a place where you can be yourself with all your idiosyncrasies. It is place where you can celebrate all the gifts of your life. When you welcome someone to your home you are welcoming them to your life. Home is not a luxury item, it is a necessity. This year, perhaps more than any in the past, honor your home. If you haven't found that special place yet, make 2009 the year when you do. Because there's no place like home.

I wish for you this year a year where you honor, friends, family, heath and home.

Happy New Year.

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