Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To stage or not to stage....

Recently there was a poll done of top Realtors about whether they thought staging was worthwhile. Without hesitation ALL respondents said YES! In fact the majority felt that not staging a home in Marin County would seriously negatively affect the ultimate sales price.

I know it is difficult to imagine that investing in staging could make that much difference. But just imagine if you were looking for a used car. One car smelled of leather - the other of old socks. One was meticulously clean inside and there wasn't a scratch on the paint - the other was dented and there was an McDonald's wrapper thrown in the back. Now imagine, which one would you consider buying. Even if the price was higher the car that looks, smells and feels better, will sell. The other one will have to wait until there isn't another car competing for the potential buyer (or else it will sell for substantially less).

Staging is pretty standard in Marin homes. This means if your home is competing against other homes that are staged - and you have decided to go "au naturelle", then you are creating an up hill battle to sell your home. At the very very least, you must use staging principles when marketing your home.

I work with stagers, and have had a good deal of experience myself, in making homes Real Marin Gal represents sparkle. If you want to know more...send me an email or post here.

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